Data and Maps: a guide
List of Data and Maps we felt useful in documenting and analyzing the 2011 East Japan Earthquake. We are thoroughly grateful to individuals, institutions and agencies in making these information public.
Countermeasures for the Great East Japan Earthquake
ational Police Agency
Damage Situation and Poice Countermeasures (figures by prefecture)
List of Confirmed Victims from the East Japan Earthquake (in Japanese)
Damages by Municipality
Prefectural Governments (in Japanese)
Damages by municipalities is tabulated by Prefectural Government in various formats (PDF, Excel)
Iwate Prefecture: Search "最新の被害状況" in
Miyagi Prefecture:
Fukushima Prefecture: Search "被害状況" in
List of Identity Confirmed, Assumed and Unknown Victims
Prefectural Polices (in Japanese)
Prefectural Polices of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima produce the list of victims in PDF or in Excel
Iwate Prefectural Police:
Miyagi Prefectural Police:
Fukushima Prefectural Police:
List of Evacuees
Prefectural Governments (in Japanese)
Prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima produce the list of evacuees in various formats
Iwate Prefecture: Search "現時点の避難者名簿" in
Miyagi Prefecture:
Fukushima Prefecture: Search "避難所入所者情報" in
Information on the Great East Japan Earthquake
Statistics Bureau, Director-Genral for Policy Planning & Statistical Research and Training Insitute
(in Japanese)
2010 Census Population in inundated areas, by municipalities in maps (PDF) and tables (Excel)
Municipal Statistics of the Pacific Coast of East Japan (in Excel)
Small Area Statistics and mesh data
e-Stat: Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan
(in Japanese)
Tabulations of 2005 Population Census, 2006 Establishment and Enterprise Census, 2005 Census of Agriculture and Forestry is available at Small Areas and Mesh
Base Map Information Download Service
GeoSpatial Information Agency of Japan (GSI)
(in Japanese)
GIS data of accuracy equavalent to 1:2500 (by municipality) and 1:25000 (by prefecture)
Digial Elevation Model at approxmately 10m
Vector data requires conversion software (by GSI) to convert to shapefiles
Digital Elevation data requires conversion software by Geo Coach Systems to convert to shapefile or tin
National Land Digital Information Download Service
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Various geographical data including land use (approx 100m mesh) and land price (sample points)
Data on Landslide Hazard (point, line, polygon), Petro Stations (point), Municipal Facilities (point), Medical Facilities (point) are recently added.
Requires conversion software by the Ministry to convert to shapefiles
Map and GIS Data of Contour,Altitude and Population related to the Great East Japan Earthquake
TANI Kenji(Associate Professor in Human Geography,Saitama University)
Maps and GIS data in KMZ format on, Population of the affected areas, Contour lines of the Pacific coast, Railroads, stations and public facilities, Population distribution at 1km mesh and small areas
Maps of the Area hit by the Tsunami of 11 March 2011, Northeast Japan
Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers
Map of tsunami invation on 1:25,000 topographic map:
or on interactive map with airphoto of the tsunami affected areas:
Land use maps of the areas struck by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
MIYAZAWA Hitoshi (Associate Professor, Ochinomizu University, miyazawa.hitoshi(a)
Created by our TGA Disaster Emergency Committe Member.
Land use map of Sanriku Coast area (1) (PDF: 2.5mb)
Land use map of Sanriku Coast area (2) (PDF: 4.9mb)
Land use map of Sanriku Coast area (3) (PDF: 2.8mb)
Land use map of Sendai Bay area, Miyagi (PDF: 3.7mb)
Land use map of Hamadori area, Fukushima (PDF: 5.6mb)
Data sources
(1) Land use: Grid square data (approx. 100m * 100m) of National Land Digital Information (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
(2) Tsunami inundated area: maps of the area hit by the tsunami of 11 March 2011, northeast Japan ( Tsunami Damage Mapping Team of the Association of Japanese Geographers) Permission to use the data was granted by the team. The author supplemented them with data based on satellite images of the disaster areas.
Municipality Map Makers
KIRIMURA Takashi (Postdoctoral Fellow, Ritsumeikan University)
(in Japanese)
Web application to produce shapefiles of municipality of a given date (since 1970 onwards). Japanese municipalities are continously reorginizing but especially during the mid 2000s, that means regional statistical data has to be retabulated accordingly. This application provides municipal boundary maps of various dates, as well as creating lookup table for municipal codes (JIS code) for two different dates.