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Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis since 11 March 2011 filled news around the world, but the limited geographical reference in the media masks or misleads the size and the nature of the disaster and its effects. This bulletin provides the fundamental information on regional characteristics of Tohoku region, the most affected region, to understand the spatial diversities and realities of the disaster, and to think of restoration. The articles are written by the members of the Tohoku Geographical Association, an academic geographical society based in the Tohoku region. |
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Table of ContentsOverviews and BackgroundsOverview of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami DisasterTakehiko TAKANO, Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University 2012.03.24 東日本大震災の被害概要 (Overview of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Japanese version of the above article) 高野岳彦 (東北学院大学 教授) 2011.04.09 Regions in Affected Areas: regional divisions of the East Japan Earthquake Takehiko TAKANO, Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University 2012.04.13 東日本沿岸地域の地域概要 (Regions in Affected Areas: regional divisions of the East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Japanese version of the above article) 高野岳彦 (東北学院大学 教授) 2011.04.09 The impact of casualties of 20,000+: deaths and missing persons by municipalities Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.05 新聞報道が描く“被災者”像と被災地の社会構造との乖離について 寄藤昂(芝浦工業大学 教授)・中川裕美(名古屋大学大学院文学研究科,院生) 2012.03.05 The EarthquakeA report of damages of the 3.11 Great Earthquake and Tsunami with the photograph and the movie in Fukushima and Miyagi PrefectureRyohei SEKINE, Assistant Professor, Tohoku University 2011.05.01 Landslide disasters induced by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Daisuke HIGAKI, Tatsuki TSUCHIYA, and Misa TSUSHIMA 2011.06.16 Structural Damages on Artificially Modified Hills 2011: a photo report of damages in residential estates in Sendai City Yoshiyuki MURAYAMA, Professor, Yamagata University 2011.04.14 Distribution of Damages within Sendai City: an inference based on the dead and the evacuees’ residential addresses Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.09 Blue-sheet Analysis: Structural damages in Sendai City and their relationship to land forms Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.09.28 The TsunamiBrief explanation on the regional characteristics of Sanriku CoastTakehiko TAKANO, Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University 2012.04.30 God's taste: victims' attributes based on the list of victims Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.09 Tsunami damage tracking using multi platform satellite images in the Pacific coast of Tohoku Region Yasuteru Imai, Noritoshi Kamagata, Yukio Akamatsu and Sakae Mukoyama, Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd 2011.06.09 Verification of the Tsunami Disaster Map of Great East Japan earthquake:a quick excursion to Onagawa and Ishinomaki Takashi ABE, Professor, Japan Women's University, et al. 2011.04.28 Land Use and Tsunami Damage in Pacific Coast Region of Tohoku District Hitoshi MIYAZAWA, Associate Professor, Ochanomizu University 2011.05.25 Population in areas affected by the 2011 tsunami off the Pacific coast caused by the Tohoku Earthquake: From Sanriku coast to Sendai Bay area Hitoshi MIYAZAWA, Associate Professor, Ochanomizu University 2011.05.07 東北地方太平洋沖地震の津波により被災した地域の常住人口-三陸海岸から仙台湾岸にかけて- (Population in areas affected by the 2011 tsunami off the Pacific coast caused by the Tohoku Earthquake: From Sanriku coast to Sendai Bay area, Japanese version of the above article) 宮澤仁(お茶の水女子大学大学院 准教授) 2011.04.21 Holocene tsunami deposits associated with earthquakes along the Pacific coast, northeast Japan Hiroaki SUZUKI, Tohoku University, et al. 2011.04.29 Did the People Practice "Tsunami Tendenko"?-The reality of the 3.11 tsunami which attacked Shizugawa Area, Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture- Ryohei SEKINE, Asisstant Professor, Tohoku University 2011.06.16 The Nuclear CrisisOutline of the highly polluted evacuation areas by the severe accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power StationTakehiko TAKANO, Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University 2011.12.29 Fukushima Hamadori Diaspora: age and sex of evacuees form the nuclear crisis Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.26 東日本大震災後の福島県いわき市南部地域の状況―「風評」問題に翻弄された被災地の記録― (The situations of Iwaki City outside Evacuation Zone: the record of a region affected by harmful rumors about radioactive contamination, in Japanese) 小田隆史 (お茶の水女子大学 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD) Takashi Oda, JSPS Research Fellow, Ochanomizu University 2011.04.11 東日本大震災後の青果部門における風評システムの構造:仙台市を事例に (A system of rumours in fruit and vegetable distribution after the East Japan Earthquake Disaster: a case from Sendai City, in Japanese) 日高 良友(東北大学大学院理学研究科,院生) Yoshitomo HIDAKA, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University 2011.05.31 Grasping the Fukushima Displacement and Diaspora: 3.11 disasters in Japan relocating people and local governments beyond borders Takashi ODA, JSPS Research Fellow, Ochanomizu University 2011.08.11 Refuge Life of Evacuees from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: analysis of Okuma Town Survey based on human capital theory Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.10.31 A snapshot of the displacement of Fukushima residents: as of the first anniversary of Japan's 3.11 disasters Takashi Oda, Assistant Professor, Ochanomizu University 2012.03.09 Oblivion Curve: assessing how quickly people forget about the disaster by Twitter tweet counts Yuzuru ISODA and William CLASTER, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.06.17 Towards RestorationDisplaced human mobility due to March 11 disasterYoshitaka ISHIKAWA, Professor, Kyoto University 2012.04.01 Demographic trend should not be overlooked: aging and depopulation in Tohoku Masateru HINO, Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.09 Earthquake stopped the production of Toyota : Tohoku as a base of parts production Masateru HINO, Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.09 The regional hierarchy of medical care system facing earthquake disasters Gen Ueda, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.12 Establishment of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain after the Great East Japan Earthquake(in Japanese) Tsutomu NAKAMURA, Postdoctoral fellow, The Univ. of Tokyo 2011.06.03 Tsunami disasters, housing relocation, and land use pattern Gen Ueda, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.04.09 Moving the whole town up hill: an algorithmic search of developable land in tsunami-hit Onagawa Town Yuzuru ISODA, Associate Professor, Tohoku University 2011.05.31 立地-配分モデルを用いた津波避難施設の配置計画立案-宮城県女川町を事例地域に- Planning Locations for Tsunami Evacuation Facilities based on Location-Allocation Model: a case of Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture (in Japanese) 宮澤 仁(お茶の水女子大学院 准教授) Hitoshi MIYAZAWA, Associate Professor, Ochanomizu University 2011.08.09 2010年・女川の食資源を生かした地域づくり:復興への記憶として Utilizing the food resources for town revitalization in Onagawa, 2010; a memoir toward resurrection (in Japanese) 高野岳彦 (東北学院大学 教授) Takehiko TAKANO, Professor, Tohoku Gakuin University 2011.08.01 被災地に配慮した現地調査のお願い (Request for sensible fieldwork for the people of the affected areas, in Japanese) 岩船昌起 (志學館大学 准教授) Masaki Iwafune, Associate Professor, Shigakukan University 2011.04.14 震災復興と民俗学 Restoration from the disaster and folklore (in Japanese) 岩鼻通明 (山形大学農学部 教授) Michiaki IWAHANA, Professor, Yamagata University 2011.08.31 From the EditorialTohoku Geographical Association ResurrectedTakashi ODA, JSPS Research Fellow, Ochanomizu University 2011.05.20 |